What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Postnatal Depression?
Around 10% of women get postnatal depression in the first year after having their baby. Sometimes, parents are the first to notice and seek help.
Many new mothers develop the 'baby blues' which are quickly cured, but some end up developing PND. It is crucial to identify the signs and consult your GP or health visitor.
Sleepiness and lack of sleep
The demands of caring for a brand new baby can be exhausting and sleep deprivation is common among new mothers. If a mother's inability to sleep is accompanied by other signs of PND (low sex drive and difficulty in concentrating) it could be a sign she requires professional assistance.
The majority of women experience a bit of a downturn in mood during the first week following the birth, which is known as the 'baby blues'. If the sadness, anxiety and tears continue for more than two weeks then it may be postnatal depression.
depression body symptoms Iampsychiatry -reported sleep issues could indicate depression among new mothers according to research. For example studies have revealed that women's self-reported changes in sleep latency (how long it takes her to fall asleep at night) and daytime dysfunction (difficulty staying awake during the day) and her own subjective assessment of her sleep quality are linked to higher levels of depression symptomatology at 7 months postpartum.
They are often the ones who notice first when something is wrong and they could play a crucial role in her recovery. They can help her talk about her concerns with family members, friends or a physician or a perinatal mental health professional. They should also be able to avoid criticising her body and weight gain or suggesting that she loses weight. They can also contact the PANDAS national helpline if they are concerned about her.
It is difficult to bond with your baby
It's normal for new mothers to struggle with bonding with their baby and this can be a sign of postnatal depression. It's important to recognise that this is not something that is normal for a new mother and to seek help if this is bothering you or your partner.

In some cases, a woman with PND might develop a more severe form of depression referred to as postpartum psychosis. This is a mental health crisis that requires immediate hospitalization. This condition can be hazardous for both the mother and the child. If you notice any of these symptoms, it's essential to seek medical attention immediately.
This is not an exhaustive list of signs and symptoms that may be indicative of postnatal depression. The condition can take many forms and isn't always easy to recognize particularly since many of the symptoms are common amongst new mothers. Consult your GP in case you're concerned. They can assess your symptoms, and if necessary refer you to a specialist for mental illness perinatally.
It can be a stressful and exhausting time, but it's also an exciting time. It's important that you and your partner figure out ways to be healthy together. This means getting enough sleep/rest and eating a balanced diet. You could also spend time with your baby and try to socialise with others and pursue other interests or hobbies.
Loss of interest in the things you used to enjoy
A mother who is suffering with postnatal depression may lose interest in things she once enjoyed. This could be a problem, as she may lack the motivation or the energy to take care of her child and herself. It's important that she gets support from friends, family and health professionals, to help her regain her confidence and her interests.
It's not uncommon to experience an absence of enthusiasm for certain activities from time to time however it shouldn't turn into regular. If it occurs, it's a good idea consult your physician or a mental health professional. They can help you identify the root of your symptoms and find the treatment that can get you back on track.
You might need to take medications or psychological therapy (talking therapies) to treat your symptoms. Your GP will go over with you the pros and cons of various treatments, so that you can determine which is the best for you.
It's also important to keep in mind that PND can affect the entire family. It can be difficult for the partner to adjust to their new role, and they may feel like they're all by themselves. It's important that a mother has access to spousal, friends, and professional assistance to assist her with the day-to-day tasks of caring for a baby and her own needs.
Difficulty concentrating
Women with PND might find it difficult to concentrate or think clearly. She may also feel exhausted constantly. It may be difficult to take care for her baby and to keep up with daily tasks. She may even begin to withdraw from her friends and family and stop participating in the activities she once enjoyed.
It could be an indication of postnatal depression, however it's normal for mothers to feel this way after having a baby. It can be difficult for partners, family and friends to acknowledge the signs that a woman is sick however it is essential that they do. They can aid by being compassionate and supportive by listening to her and offering support. They can also encourage her to join a mother and baby support group or talk to a counsellor.
You should also pay attention whenever she begins to talk about harming herself or the baby. This is a sign of a more serious sign of depression that needs to be treated with seriousness. It is crucial that she see her doctor or health care provider as soon as possible.
It can be very traumatic and stressful to find out that your partner suffers from postnatal depression. However, it's very common and it is treatable. With the right support with self-help strategies and therapy, most women can recover in a few weeks or months. It is essential to recognize the symptoms of PND and ask your GP to have her checked for it.
Feelings of hopelessness
The feeling that life has no significance or purpose could be a sign of depression. Women frequently feel this way after the birth of their child, and it may lead them to believe that they aren't worthy of happiness as a mother. Feelings of hopelessness can affect their daily functioning, and interfere with their relationships with friends, family and professionals. a psychologist or social worker.
Women who are suffering from PND should be able to reach those who can aid them. They should not cut off contact with them, but instead engage them. The more support a woman with PND receives, the better she will recover.
If you know a new mom who is suffering from these symptoms, support them and encourage them to seek assistance. Inform them that a physician or health visitor can prescribe medication, or talk therapy (psychotherapy) to treat postnatal depression. It is important to diagnose the problem early, as the earlier it is treated and treated, the quicker the mother will recover and have fun with her baby. It can be upsetting for a spouse of a mother who is depressed, but it's important to see your partner as someone who needs support and not blame themselves. It is also important to remember that paternal depression occurs and can happen in the first year following the birth of a baby.
Feelings of guilt
If a new mum is constantly feeling guilty about small things, it can be an indication that she's suffering from postnatal depression. This is especially true if the feelings last longer than two weeks. These feelings can also make it difficult for a mother to bond with her baby and also enjoy other activities like going on walks and spending time with friends.
Guilt is a typical indication and a symptom of depression. It can be triggered by a variety of factors. They can be caused by:
High expectations - A parent or carer who is looking for perfection from their child may be more likely to develop feelings of guilt if something goes wrong. It could be that they feel that their child is entitled to more or feel that they are failing them when they fail to meet their expectations.
Childhood experiences - Children who have been raised in families and cultures that promote guilt or have had an abusive relationship in the past are more likely to develop a pattern of blame on themselves. These patterns are hard to break, even if the person no longer lives in the same situation.
If you're worried that your partner may be suffering from postnatal depression, speak to them about it immediately. It is crucial to recognize the symptoms to be able to get assistance and support, as this will help them recover faster.